- A Face in the Fog1936
- Mystery
- Crime
- Horror
- Mayhem Motel2001
- Horror
- Plunderers of Painted Flats1959
- Western
- Romance on the Range1942
- Western
- Girls Can Play1937
- Drama
- Crime
- Wicked1931
- Drama
- The Witness Vanishes1939
- Action
- Adventure
- Crime
- Mystery
- Romance
- The Great Hotel Murder1935
- Mystery
- The Big Dog House1930
- Comedy
- Romance
- Crime
- Love Is on the Air1937
- Romance
- Mystery
- Crime
- Lightning Strikes Twice1934
- Mystery
- Comedy
- Brass Monkey1948
- Crime
- The Dark Area2000
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Stolen Moments1920
- Romance
- Drama
- Luxury Liner1933
- Drama
- Man on the Prowl1957
- Crime
- Drama
- Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone1950
- Mystery
- Comedy
- The Cater Street Hangman1998
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Crime
- Bedevilled1955
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Accusing Finger1936
- Crime
- Action
- Romance
- Drama