- Republic Z2018
- Adventure
- Action
- Horror
- Comedy
- Balakrishnudu2017
- Adventure
- Action
- Comedy
- Leichtmatrosen - Drei Mann in einem Boot2017
- TV Movie
- Comedy
- Nerungi Vaa Muthamidathe2014
- Romance
- Drama
- Trabantem až na konec světa2014
- Documentary
- Sejít z cesty2012
- Drama
- Monsieur Taurins2011
- Comedy
- Ánima2012
- Drama
- American Nomads2011
- Documentary
- Tito on Ice2012
- Documentary
- Oldies but Goldies2012
- Drama
- Comedy
- Long Live the Family!2011
- Crime
- Drama
- Devil in My Ride2013
- Comedy
- Horror
- Ghost Rider 666 What The F**k2011
- Documentary
- Love Summer2011
- Comedy
- Romance
- Daughter of the Sun2023
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Devil Come to Hell and Stay Where You Belong2008
- Documentary
- Western
- Cowboys Come Riding2008
- El Camino2008
- Drama
- Die Schimmelreiter2009
- Comedy
- Drama