- The Mayor of Casterbridge2003
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Lakeuden kutsu2000
- Drama
- A Sweet Scent of Death1999
- Drama
- Crime
- Singles2003
- Comedy
- Romance
- Love for an Idiot1967
- Comedy
- Drama
- Gates to Paradise1968
- History
- Drama
- Monte Cristo1922
- Drama
- Romance
- Cone of Silence1960
- Drama
- Thriller
- Native Son1951
- Drama
- Uncle Tom's Cabin1914
- Drama
- Trench Road2004
- Drama
- Letter from the Mountain2002
- Drama
- The Wonderful Land of Oz1969
- Fantasy
- Music
- Family
- The Shadow of the Tyrant1960
- History
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Cradle Will Fall2004
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Before I Say Goodbye2003
- Drama
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- A Wanderer's Notebook1962
- Drama
- The Mill on the Floss1997
- Drama
- Romance
- Blonde in a White Car1959
- Mystery
- 50 Ways of Saying Fabulous2005
- Drama