- Judge Minty2013
- Science Fiction
- The Monster of Nix2011
- Animation
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- The Elevator2010
- Comedy
- Baby Nut2009
- Animation
- The Leviathan2015
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Animation
- A Feather in His Hare1948
- Animation
- Family
- Attack of the Helping Hand!1979
- Comedy
- Horror
- The Pumpkin Race1907
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Action
- Animation
- The Fugitive Apparitions1904
- Fantasy
- The Image1969
- Horror
- Soul of the Cypress1921
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Romance
- The Ouija Board1920
- Horror
- Animation
- Comedy
- Now That Summer Is Gone1938
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- Traces2008
- Drama
- The Island2009
- Comedy
- Drama
- Animation
- Love Bite2008
- Horror
- A Short Film About John Bolton2003
- Documentary
- Bold King Cole1936
- Animation
- The Nun Slayer2024
- Comedy
- Romance
- My Butt Has a Fever2022
- Animation
- Comedy