- Where's That Tiger?1933
- Music
- Hero: The Rock Opera2005
- Music
- Matogrosso & Mathias - Ao Vivo Convida2004
- Soundies Festival1945
- Jungle Ki Nagin2003
- Horror
- Drama
- UpsideDown1994
- Family
- History
- Drama
- Romance
- The Making of Martin Guerre: A Musical Journey1998
- Documentary
- Music
- Jenifer fait son live2005
- Swan Lake1957
- Music
- Old Father Christmas
- Acústico MTV: Rita Lee1998
- Music
- Acústico MTV: Bandas Gaúchas2005
- Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm2000
- Family
- Upside Down1987
- Drama
- Family
- History
- TRIP - Remix Your Expirence2006
- Mint Condition Live From The 9:30 Club2006
- Ben Harper: Pleasure and Pain2002
- Documentary
- Liebe ist Geschmackssache1997
- Wig the Dick2005
- The Danny Kaye Show with Lucille Ball
- Comedy