- The EDEN Project2023
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Let's Be Friends2023
- Horror
- Animation
- Project Channelocity2023
- Horror
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- I Fall in Love With You Through a Robot
- Animation
- Drama
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- Next Stop Paris
- Romance
- It's Pretty, but is it Art?2023
- Animation
- The Age of A.I2019
- Documentary
- Lift Up Your Voices2023
- Drama
- We Put the World to Sleep
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Adventure
- Blank2023
- Horror
- Mystery
- Critterz
- Animation
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- ¿Hypnosis?2023
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Parabellum2023
- Science Fiction
- DAISY2023
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Devil Never Dies2022
- Horror
- Thriller
- Future Glasses2022
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Home Safe
- Thriller
- Algorithms of Beauty2022
- Documentary
- The Grievance
- Comedy
- Action
- Horror
- Thriller