- The Three Investigators in The Secret of Skeleton Island2007
- Mystery
- Adventure
- Family
- Devilman2004
- Action
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Frankenstein Conquers the World1965
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Lady Frankenstein1971
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Daimajin1966
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Drama
- The Birch2016
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Gamera vs. Jiger1970
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Family
- Fantasy
- It's Alive2009
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- The Black Scorpion1957
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Gamera vs. Zigra1971
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Family
- Munchies1987
- Comedy
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters2013
- Adventure
- Family
- Fantasy
- Rites of Spring2012
- Horror
- Thriller
- Drama
- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!1999
- Adventure
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Bloodlust: Subspecies III1994
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Thriller
- Monster Island2017
- Animation
- Adventure
- Family
- Comedy
- Reaper2014
- Science Fiction
- Crime
- Horror
- Hypothermia2012
- Horror
- Beast from Haunted Cave1959
- Crime
- Horror
- Thriller
- Conquest1983
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Action
- Horror