- De la rivière à la mer2019
- Documentary
- Libérés2020
- Drama
- Langue-leçons2020
- Drama
- Yellowtail
- Documentary
- Western
- Drama
- Young People Ask2019
- Drama
- Cucapá. El origen de los montes2020
- Animation
- Cora. La creación del mundo2020
- Animation
- History
- El origen de las minas de sal de San Mateo2020
- Animation
- History
- Akateko. La aparición de san Miguel Arcángel2020
- Animation
- History
- Stories Are in Our Bones2020
- Documentary
- Somebody's Daughter2020
- Documentary
- Ethereal2019
- Drama
- Centaura2020
- Animation
- Jewel’s Hunt2019
- Documentary
- Sisters Rising2020
- Documentary
- Mark of the Hand1987
- Documentary
- Documentary
- Dance with the Heart2019
- Animation
- Adventure
- Los Andes Symphony Orchestra2020
- Documentary
- Shamanic Visions: Forgotten Territories2020
- Documentary