- A Child is Born: A Christmas Story Presented by Ronald Reagan1956
- Drama
- Juniper's Christmas
- Family
- Fantasy
- Dear Friends1977
- Not Another Christmas Movie
- Comedy
- The New Dallas Cowboys Christmas '86 Music Video1986
- Music
- 12 Toys of Christmas
- Comedy
- Dobrá novina, šťastná hodina...1990
- Documentary
- Pravoslávne Vianoce2002
- Documentary
- A Christmas Past1925
- Family
- Fantasy
- Vianoce na Liptove1998
- Documentary
- Gazdočku gazdočku, dovolíte koledočku?1983
- Music
- Betlehemský večný salaš1991
- Music
- Carol Duvall's Holiday Crafts1989
- Documentary
- Christmas at Home: Entertaining Tastefully from Virginia Olson1994
- Documentary
- Secrets of the Christmas Factory
- Documentary
- A Good Tree1984
- Drama
- Family
- Turkeys for Xmas1915
- Documentary
- En julsaga1969
- Documentary
- Merry Christmas1964
- Documentary
- Drei feiern Weihnachten1989
- Family