- Secret Society2000
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- América, do Sul2024
- Drama
- Comedy
- Body Beautiful1991
- Animation
- Comedy
- Drama
- Freedom1970
- The Revelation1977
- Drama
- Operation Mantis1984
- Comedy
- The Feminist and the Fuzz1971
- Comedy
- Light Reading1978
- We, Women2024
- Drama
- Françoise d'Eaubonne: une épopée écoféministe2023
- Documentary
- History
- Madreselva2023
- Comedy
- Drama
- Western
- Where Justice Hides2022
- Western
- Action
- I don't want to have to be loud2024
- Drama
- The Woman of the Century2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- The Gaze2022
- Drama
- Horror
- Verde-Esperanza: Aborto Legal na América Latina2022
- Documentary
- Divide & Conquer2022
- Action
- The Kids Turned Out Fine2022
- Drama
- Music
- MINK!2022
- Documentary
- The Handmaid's Tale Scene Recreation: "Offred"2022
- Drama
- Science Fiction