- The Purple Dawn1923
- Drama
- Lonesome Luke Leans to the Literary1916
- Comedy
- Vanishing Men1932
- Western
- Ma's Girls1915
- Western
- Merton of the Movies1924
- Comedy
- What's Wrong with the Women?1922
- Drama
- The Hope1920
- Drama
- Icebound1924
- Drama
- Romance
- What Every Woman Knows1921
- Comedy
- Drama
- The Shepherd King1923
- Uneasy Payments1927
- Comedy
- The Right That Failed1922
- Drama
- The Dark Angel1925
- Drama
- Wise Guys: The Lost Show2022
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Waifs1914
- Drama
- The Common Law1916
- Drama
- Romance
- Very Confidential1927
- Comedy
- Romance
- The Hottentot1929
- Comedy
- The First Kiss1928
- Drama
- The Charmer1925
- Drama