- Clear Skies, Light Breeze2014
- Documentary
- Revolutions Per Second2012
- Documentary
- Ensaio Sobre Minha Mãe2014
- Music
- Drama
- Las Vegas Meditation2014
- Documentary
- Une vie pour deux2013
- Drama
- Didactica Magna: Against the Grain2012
- Documentary
- I skuggan2012
- Documentary
- Play History2012
- Documentary
- Blue Sunshine
- Michael Berger: A Hysteria2010
- Documentary
- Fungus2000
- Documentary
- Time Being2009
- Documentary
- Who Will Watch the Watchman? Dalibor, or the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin2003
- Documentary
- Diario ruso2011
- Documentary
- Sam in the Bag2007
- Comedy
- Documentary
- How to Write an Autobiogaphy2010
- Documentary
- Záviš, kníže pornofolku pod vlivem Griffithovy Intolerance a Tatiho Prázdnin pana Hulota aneb Vznik a zánik Československa (1918 - 1992)2006
- Documentary
- Thank you for Everything
- Documentary
- A lo Mejor Algún Día
- Documentary
- Drama
- The Making of Michel Petite
- Documentary
- Comedy