- Roar2018
- Animation
- Adventure
- Drama
- Fantasy
- The Kiss of the Honey Badger2019
- Comedy
- Watching2019
- Thriller
- Horror
- A Life in Our Times2019
- Romance
- Drama
- Music
- Upside Down Feeling2015
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Fear2009
- Documentary
- The Tattooist2018
- Horror
- Oblio2018
- Drama
- Mystery
- Music
- The Adventures of Sheriff Kid McLain2013
- Western
- Action
- Adventure
- Family
- Domestic Accident2018
- Voorbijgangers2011
- Drama
- Thriller
- Mystery
- I Feel Good
- Horror
- Thriller
- Drama
- Mystery
- The Wardrobe2013
- Drama
- Horror
- Kopschuif2018
- Drama
- Horror
- Medinet Al Samt1973
- Crime
- Thriller
- In April2016
- Action
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- Shadowlands2016
- Animation
- Documentary
- Terror Of the Blood Demon2013
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Finger2013
- Thriller
- Ice Cold Fear
- Horror