- Nostalgiaplatz2020
- Drama
- Epilogue
- Action
- Horror
- Shepherdess Rising2019
- The Sun and the Shadow1962
- Drama
- Romance
- Vijanam Vashyam Vanyam
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Horror
- Public Axis 30002019
- Comedy
- Right Between Your Ears2017
- Documentary
- Ruin2018
- Thriller
- I Make Corpses2017
- Horror
- 20 Minutes to Go1990
- Music
- Drama
- Infección Zombie2016
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- The End Of June
- Drama
- Thriller
- Snowed In2018
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Sign2017
- TV Movie
- Documentary
- Sommeil de cendres2017
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- The World Ends With You2017
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- #Eurodrama2016
- Music
- Comedy
- The Sisters of Samhain
- Horror
- Fantasy
- The Second Coming: Volume 22016
- Thriller
- Action Phase Loop 5: Crane Hang2016
- Science Fiction