- The Eyes Beneath2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- American Mirror - Intimations of Immortality2018
- Documentary
- Mystery
- Drama
- Impossible Decision2023
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- American Johns2015
- Thriller
- Drama
- A Camera for 90 thousand guaranies2013
- Crime
- Thriller
- Revox2013
- Drama
- Music
- Mystery
- Namas Dei: The Tucker J. James Story
- Comedy
- Daxonomy2023
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Alone Together
- La Pomme
- Brisée
- Drama
- Horror
- Habitat
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Thriller
- Route 252023
- Drama
- Action
- War
- Rat Brain
- Documentary
- Thriller
- Horror
- One Hundred2023
- Drama
- Family
- Day 23 of Quarantine2020
- Drama
- Comedy
- The Year of the Rat
- Crime
- Comedy
- Action
- They Know
- Volition
- Horror
- Crime
- Cedar Grove
- Thriller