- Der Millionär und die Stripperin2001
- TV Movie
- Romance
- Drama
- Sexy proibitissimo1963
- Documentary
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Dreamland Capers1958
- Documentary
- Strip Tease Girl1952
- North Beach2000
- Romance
- Comedy
- Drama
- Guns & Lipstick1995
- Drama
- Crime
- Severance1988
- Drama
- Thriller
- Zero in and Scream1971
- Action
- Crime
- Thriller
- Horror
- Nika
- Romance
- Drama
- The Revealing of Elfie1974
- Drama
- Deadly Eyes1994
- Thriller
- Sinan's Wedding1997
- Drama
- Comedy
- Electric Blue 361986
- Horror
- Music
- Romance
- Charlie's Death Wish2005
- Drama
- Action
- Crime
- Horror
- Thriller
- Moxie
- Action
- Comedy
- Showtime1977
- Drama
- Exit to Hell2013
- Horror
- Action
- Thriller
- Straßenbekanntschaften auf St. Pauli1968
- Crime
- Drama
- Stiletto2021
- Horror
- Neon Lights2017
- Drama
- Thriller