- Mao Meets Muddy1989
- Documentary
- Heraldic View1974
- Triangle in Front of Square in Front of Circle in Front of Triangle1973
- Video Out2005
- Documentary
- Probably America's Smallest TV Station2004
- Flooded McDonald’s2009
- Documentary
- Witness1982
- Documentary
- Sisterhood™: Hyping the Female Market
- Several Ways to Please Valya2001
- Documentary
- Mystery
- John Baldessari: An Interview1979
- Documentary
- Gary Hill: I Believe It Is an Image2004
- Documentary
- John Baldessari: Some Stories1990
- Documentary
- Facial Treatments #2 and #41977
- Sayonara Super 82006
- Documentary
- I Thought of You Often2006
- Drama
- Tempest1981
- Animation
- Warp2000
- Cumulonimbus1970
- Documentary
- Cetacean1976