- Blessed Duns Scotus: Defender of the Immaculate Conception2011
- War
- Angels Love Donuts2010
- Comedy
- Day of Miracles2004
- Documentary
- Amahl and the Night Visitors1951
- Music
- Drama
- Family
- TV Movie
- Milenio, el principio del fin2000
- Drama
- Teenage Diary1960
- Drama
- Bibleman: Jesus Our Savior2002
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Fabiola1918
- History
- Return of the Nephilim2003
- Documentary
- From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians1998
- Documentary
- Heaven's Heroes1980
- Action
- Drama
- Left Behind1994
- Documentary
- The Prodigal Planet1983
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Thriller
- Superdimensional Romanesque Samy: Missing 991986
- Fantasy
- Action
- Adventure
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Altos instintos1995
- Drama
- Pastor's Kid2024
- Drama
- Comedy
- Marvel & DC's War on God: Doctor Strange, Aleister Crowley and the Multiverse of Satanism2022
- Documentary
- Prove Your Love2024
- Horror
- Thriller
- Der Orient - Wiege des Christentums2022
- Documentary
- Filthy Rags2022
- Drama