- More Than Work2019
- Documentary
- A Daughter’s Memory2019
- Documentary
- Animation
- Una de nosotras2019
- Documentary
- Shipwreck at the Threshold of Europe, Lesvos, Aegean Sea: 28 October 20152020
- Documentary
- Stunned, I Remain Alert2020
- Documentary
- Conflitos e Abismos: A Expressão da Condição Humana2014
- Animation
- Documentary
- Jinsuk & Me2012
- Documentary
- Prison: A Short Introduction2019
- Documentary
- Everyday Noise
- Drama
- Alice in the Land of National Guard of Russia2019
- Documentary
- La Trifulca II. Five Billion Dollar. A Trilogy2019
- Documentary
- Massacre River2019
- Documentary
- We Are Not Princesses2018
- Documentary
- The Harvest2017
- Documentary
- Music
- Unlocked
- Drama
- The Raging Soil2014
- Documentary
- Luar Biasa2018
- Documentary
- Makun (no llores) - Dibujos en un CIE2019
- Documentary
- A Day Before2018
- Drama
- Quando as Coisas se Desmancham2018
- Drama