- Adventures in Silverado1948
- Western
- Gold Fever1952
- Western
- The Rider of Death Valley1932
- Western
- Wheels of Destiny1934
- Western
- Rider from Tucson1950
- Western
- Stealin Aint Honest1940
- Animation
- Comedy
- Gold1972
- Comedy
- Thank God, Not in America...1992
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Out Of Contact
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Gold1973
- Action
- Crime
- Thunder Mountain1935
- Western
- Valley of the Lawless1936
- Western
- Ghost Treasure1941
- Sutter's Gold1936
- Western
- Red Desert1949
- Western
- Shadow Valley1947
- Western
- Golden Blood: The Frontiers of Greed2023
- Documentary
- History
- Drama
- Western
- Streets of Ghost Town1950
- Western
- Time Out2022
- Thriller
- Fantasy
- Crimson Plains2022
- Western
- History
- Crime