- First Date of the Dead
- Horror
- Romance
- Comedy
- Trizombie2024
- Comedy
- Horror
- 3 Minutos2009
- Horror
- Thriller
- Romance
- The New World Horror2018
- Horror
- Necromicón2024
- Horror
- Action
- Lunchroom of the Living Dead2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Romance
- Moratorium2012
- Horror
- 7 Hours Later2014
- Action
- Drama
- Horror
- Peanutpocalypse2024
- Thriller
- Adventure
- Love in the Time of Zombies
- Comedy
- Horror
- Thriller
- Romance
- Better Off Undead2007
- Horror
- Comedy
- Rot1999
- Horror
- Music
- Horror
- Action
- Thriller
- Collecting Heads2020
- Comedy
- Animation
- Horror
- Dead on Arrival2012
- Horror
- Thriller
- The End of the Squirrel2022
- Horror
- Comedy
- Deep River: The Island2009
- Comedy
- Horror
- Action
- 722018
- Horror
- Brunch of the Living Dead
- Horror
- Comedy
- Public Domain2020
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Horror