- The Twins2022
- Animation
- Drama
- Como dos gotas de agua2020
- Comedy
- DAMIEN2019
- Animation
- Drama
- In Deep Waters2015
- Animation
- Drama
- Baba2012
- Drama
- What Isn't There2012
- Drama
- Romance
- Robot Mom2012
- Comedy
- Take Two1988
- Romance
- Thriller
- The Jade Faced Assassin1971
- Action
- Twin Dragon Encounter1986
- Action
- Adventure
- Second Best2018
- Trolls: Together2017
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Twins2010
- Drama
- Romance
- Nazi Mystery - Twins From Brazil2009
- Documentary
- Mystery
- Dancing Sweeties1930
- Romance
- Comedy
- Drama
- Take My Advice: The Ann and Abby Story1999
- Comedy
- Drama
- TV Movie
- The Bandits of Corsica1953
- Drama
- Action
- Zip & Zap Meet the Monsters2005
- Animation
- Family
- Ein Zwilling ist nicht genug2004
- Family
- The Corsican Brothers1989
- Animation
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Family