- Operation Autumn2012
- Thriller
- History
- Voces en imágenes2008
- Documentary
- Las locuras de don Quijote2006
- Documentary
- Pepita Jimenez1946
- Drama
- Romance
- Abuelitos1999
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Caper of the Golden Bulls1967
- Action
- Comedy
- Crime
- La ruta de don Quijote1934
- Documentary
- Nobleza baturra1935
- Drama
- Los últimos de Filipinas1945
- War
- Drama
- History
- The Sky Turns2004
- Documentary
- Alfonso Sánchez1980
- Documentary
- Il Trovatore - Verdi1978
- Drama
- Music
- Madrid1987
- Drama
- Romance
- War
- Speak, Silent One1973
- Drama
- Road to Nowhere2024
- Drama
- Tótem Loba2020
- Drama
- The Ornament of the World2019
- Documentary
- History
- Bones of Contention2018
- History
- Documentary
- Lo que hicimos fue secreto2016
- Documentary
- Music
- Those Who Jump2017
- Documentary