- The Moon2006
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Lunas de abril
- Thriller
- Drama
- Moonscape2013
- Documentary
- The Moon is Essentially Gray2016
- Animation
- Drama
- The Dark Side of the Moon2016
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Astronomy for You1959
- Documentary
- The Professor's Problem1963
- Animation
- Comedy
- Journey to the moon
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Science Please! : The Moon Changes2000
- Animation
- Moon2013
- Animation
- Moon Cakes2012
- Adventure
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Supertromp2008
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Blood Moon's Dance2010
- Fantasy
- We Too Walked on the Moon2010
- Comedy
- A Room for Moon
- Drama
- La tête1973
- Animation