- O Mistério do Homem Cavalo2018
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- I Am Here2016
- Drama
- Mystery
- Blurred2014
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- The Lion's Path2015
- Drama
- Revox2013
- Drama
- Music
- Mystery
- The Door at the End of the Hall
- Mystery
- Music
- Fantasy
- Nanny Wanted
- Horror
- Thriller
- Lost In The Shadows
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The Death of Dr. Garcia2023
- Mystery
- Ask Again Later
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Mystery
- TALK2023
- Music
- Parannu Parannu Parannu1984
- Mystery
- Romance
- Drama
- Tomb of Time: Kowloon Coffin2018
- Action
- Adventure
- Mystery
- Lova's Game2023
- Romance
- Drama
- Horsehead
- Drama
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The Necklace2023
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Crime
- Hinterborough2023
- Drama
- Mystery
- Blue Hour2023
- Mystery
- Jazz para perros naranjas2022
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Crime
- A Very Coherent Piece2022
- Mystery
- Drama