- Dolittle2020
- Family
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Enola Holmes2020
- Adventure
- Mystery
- Crime
- Plunkett & MacLeane1999
- Action
- Comedy
- Drama
- The Great Mouse Detective1986
- Animation
- Family
- Adventure
- Mystery
- Belle2013
- Drama
- The Time Machine1960
- Thriller
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Romance
- Doctor Dolittle1967
- Music
- Family
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Enola Holmes 22022
- Adventure
- Mystery
- Crime
- A Christmas Carol2009
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- Scrooge: A Christmas Carol2022
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- The First Great Train Robbery1978
- Thriller
- Adventure
- Drama
- Crime
- The Man Who Invented Christmas2017
- Drama
- History
- Comedy
- Family
- The Happy Prince2018
- Drama
- The Carmilla Movie2017
- Horror
- Comedy
- Romance
- Lady Macbeth2016
- Drama
- Far from the Madding Crowd2015
- Drama
- Romance
- The Wolfman2010
- Horror
- Thriller
- First Men in the Moon1964
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Khartoum1966
- History
- War
- Adventure
- The Premature Burial1962
- Horror