- Planes: Fire & Rescue2014
- Animation
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Family
- Prey2007
- Adventure
- Horror
- Thriller
- It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World1963
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Crime
- Grizzly Man2005
- Documentary
- Grizzly1976
- Horror
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Meet the Deedles1998
- Comedy
- Family
- Frog Dreaming1986
- Drama
- Adventure
- Family
- Lovely, Dark, and Deep2023
- Horror
- Population Zero2016
- Crime
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Redwood2017
- Horror
- National Parks Adventure2016
- Documentary
- Gone, But Not Forgotten2003
- Drama
- Romance
- Thriller
- Grand Canyon - Un voyage au centre de la Terre2025
- Documentary
- Missing 411: The Hunted2019
- Documentary
- Unbranded2015
- Documentary
- Into the Grand Canyon2019
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Red Hot Rangers1947
- Animation
- Comedy
- Going Our Way2010
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Dangerous Mission1954
- Thriller
- Crime
- Drama
- Rise of the Warrior Apes2017
- Documentary