- The Blues Brothers1980
- Music
- Comedy
- Action
- Crime
- Once2007
- Drama
- Music
- Romance
- Scoop2006
- Comedy
- Mystery
- Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story2007
- Comedy
- Music
- Orchestra Rehearsal1978
- Comedy
- Music
- Drama
- Siob2025
- Documentary
- I Dream of Wires2014
- Music
- Documentary
- Deadful Melody1994
- Fantasy
- Action
- Science Fiction
- LelleBelle2010
- Music
- Romance
- The Glass Harmonica1968
- Animation
- Moog2004
- Documentary
- Music
- History
- Piccolo1959
- Animation
- The Two Horses of Genghis Khan2009
- Documentary
- Dub Echoes2008
- Documentary
- Music
- What The Future Sounded Like2007
- Documentary
- Rhythm and Sound1955
- Documentary
- What About Me: The Rise of the Nihilist Spasm Band2000
- Documentary
- The Stain2022
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Call of the Oboe1998
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Collective Soul - Home2006
- Music