- Mufasa: The Lion King2024
- Adventure
- Family
- Animation
- Ticket to Paradise2022
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- What Dreams May Come1998
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Resort to Love2021
- Romance
- Comedy
- Urge2016
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The Color of Paradise1999
- Family
- Drama
- The Dark2005
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The Hot Spot1990
- Romance
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Mosquito Coast1986
- Drama
- Adventure
- Chances Are1989
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Romance
- Farewell to the King1989
- War
- Adventure
- Land of Smiles2017
- Adventure
- Horror
- Thriller
- Voyage to Melonia1989
- Animation
- Family
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Paradise Found2003
- Drama
- Even Pigeons Go to Heaven2007
- Animation
- Comedy
- J'irai au paradis car l'enfer est ici1997
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Serengeti Shall Not Die1959
- Documentary
- A Week in Paradise2022
- Romance
- Comedy
- Honeymoon with Mom2006
- Romance
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Where the Summer Goes (Chapters on Youth)2018
- Drama