- The Meg2018
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Ghosts of the Abyss2003
- Documentary
- Blueback2022
- Family
- Drama
- Adventure
- Immanence2022
- Horror
- Thriller
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Back to the Titanic2020
- Documentary
- Expedition Amelia2019
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Voyage to the Edge of the World1976
- Documentary
- Sound from the Deep2017
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- Acid Horizon2018
- Documentary
- Cachalots, une histoire de famille2021
- Documentary
- The Longest Voyage2020
- Documentary
- Animation
- History
- Einsame Atolle, geheime Welten2023
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Extreme der Tiefsee - Abysses2018
- Documentary
- Endurance2024
- Documentary