- Innerspace1987
- Action
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Fantastic Voyage1966
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- The Hot Chick2002
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Inner Workings2016
- Animation
- Family
- Comedy
- Society1989
- Comedy
- Horror
- Mystery
- The Hidden1987
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Action
- Horror
- Thawing Out2009
- Comedy
- Drama
- Dam Sharks!2016
- Action
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Carcinoma2014
- Horror
- Drama
- The Geography of the Body1943
- Documentary
- Inside the Human Body2011
- Documentary
- Bodysong2003
- Documentary
- Inside the Living Body2007
- Documentary
- National Geographic: Incredible Human Machine2007
- Documentary
- Tell Me Why These Things Are So Beautiful2024
- Drama
- The Body1970
- Documentary
- Rescue Rabbit2014
- Family
- Animation
- Body1965
- Documentary
- The Gut: Our Second Brain2014
- Documentary
- The Secret Life of Your Bodyclock2009
- Documentary