- Public Shelter Organization and Staff1963
- Documentary
- Operations in Public Shelters1963
- Drama
- Documentary
- Parks and People: Dope1970
- Documentary
- Lifesaving and Water Safety: Snorkeling Skills and Rescue Techniques1972
- Documentary
- Safety in the Shop: Power Tools1970
- Documentary
- Your Chance to Live: Heat Wave1973
- Documentary
- Your Chance to Live: Nuclear Disaster1974
- Documentary
- Your Chance to Live: Winter Storm1972
- Documentary
- Your Chance to Live: Flood1973
- Documentary
- Chlorine and the Firefighter1974
- Documentary
- The Gambler1950
- Documentary
- The Iron Graveyard1976
- Documentary
- Public Shelter Supplies: What Does The Government Supply1963
- Documentary
- Shelter on a Quiet Street1963
- Planning For Emergence From Public Shelters1963
- Documentary
- Planning for Public Shelter Entry1963
- Documentary