- A Knight's Tale2001
- Adventure
- Drama
- Romance
- Action
- Quick Change1990
- Comedy
- Crime
- Ivanhoe1952
- Adventure
- Romance
- History
- Knightriders1981
- Action
- Drama
- Knights of the Round Table1953
- Romance
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Camelot1967
- Adventure
- Music
- Romance
- Prince Valiant1954
- Adventure
- Action
- Romance
- Ivanhoe1982
- History
- Adventure
- TV Movie
- Unidentified Flying Oddball1979
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Family
- The Tournament1928
- Drama
- Trial by Combat1976
- Action
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Hamish & Andy’s Reministmas Special2010