- Across the River2013
- Thriller
- Horror
- Mystery
- Haunting of Winchester House2009
- Horror
- Thriller
- Ghosts of Red Ridge2024
- Western
- Horror
- Haunt Ed2012
- Horror
- Comedy
- #MissingCouple2024
- Thriller
- Crime
- Horror
- House of the Wizard's Blackened Soul2024
- Horror
- Spooking About Africa1957
- Animation
- Comedy
- Spiral2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- Music
- Dinosaur Ghosts2023
- Animation
- Horror
- Miz Cracker's Favorite Haunts2024
- Documentary
- Horror
- Drama
- History
- Mystery
- Zero the Hero1954
- Animation
- Comedy
- Ghost of the Town1952
- Animation
- Comedy
- Once Upon a Rhyme1950
- Animation
- Comedy
- The Mysteries of Bradshaw Ranch: Aliens, Portals, and the Paranormal2024
- Documentary
- Origin
- Horror
- Drama
- Vetal Nagri2018
- Documentary
- A Family of Ghosts2016
- Comedy
- Horror
- Romance
- Casper's Birthday Party1959
- Animation
- Comedy
- Not Ghoulty1959
- Animation
- Comedy
- Which Is Witch?1958
- Animation
- Comedy