- Snow White2025
- Family
- Fantasy
- Wicked2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Cinderella2021
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Comedy
- Girl Haunts Boy2024
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Comedy
- The Slipper and the Rose1976
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Bell, Book and Candle1958
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Four Letters of Love2025
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Romance
- The Oath2023
- Action
- Adventure
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Green Snake: The Origin2025
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Romance
- A Midsummer Night's Dream2022
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Can You Hear Me?2024
- Romance
- War
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- Love Me If You Dare2024
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Fenglou Chronicles: Tale of the Spirit Fox2025
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Underwater Love2011
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Comedy
- Goodbye, Casanova2000
- Romance
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Vampires Saga2025
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Romance
- After Dark2024
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Royal Opera House 2023/24: Rusalka2024
- Music
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Death Takes a Holiday2023
- Music
- Romance
- Fantasy