- To the Wonder2013
- Drama
- Romance
- Blood, Ink and Kin2025
- Fantasy
- History
- Under the Weight of a Waking Dream2025
- Documentary
- Infinite Colours2024
- Documentary
- 59th second2024
- Romance
- Mystery
- Documentary
- Falter2024
- Documentary
- Symphonie Fantastique2024
- Drama
- Romance
- The Boy of The Fish2024
- Drama
- Documentary
- Fantasy
- The Water Murmurs2022
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Meters Away2024
- Documentary
- Llamen a un adulto (Sepiaexperimental)2024
- Documentary
- Drama
- Animation
- Llámame Dolores2024
- Documentary
- Comedy
- Roberto Pires: Êle Fêz O Cinema Baiano Nascer2024
- Documentary
- A Little Love2023
- Documentary
- Romance
- Once Upon a Time In My House2023
- Drama
- To My Sister2024
- Comprime Terrore2023
- Drama
- Horror
- Romance
- Something Awful2024
- Drama
- Rift2023
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Katakumby2023
- Mystery