- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom1984
- Adventure
- Action
- Crank: High Voltage2009
- Action
- Thriller
- Crime
- Angel Heart1987
- Horror
- Mystery
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas!1966
- Animation
- Family
- Comedy
- Alice in Wonderland1951
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Heal the Living2016
- Drama
- Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer2007
- Horror
- Action
- Comedy
- Blood Work2002
- Thriller
- Crime
- Action
- Mystery
- DragonHeart: A New Beginning2000
- Fantasy
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Dreamscape1984
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Sudden Impact1983
- Thriller
- Crime
- Action
- Steel Trap2007
- Thriller
- Horror
- Division III: Football's Finest2011
- Comedy
- Romance
- Traffic2011
- Thriller
- Godkiller: Walk Among Us2010
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Breath2007
- Drama
- Threshold1981
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Death to the Tinman2007
- Comedy
- Drama
- My Pepper Heart2008
- Animation
- Heartbreak Motel2024
- Drama
- Romance