- Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl1998
- Drama
- The Front Line2009
- Drama
- Crime
- History
- Be Sure to Behave1968
- Drama
- TV Movie
- An Ordinary Country2020
- Documentary
- History
- Vrahem z povolání – Utrpení soudce Karla Vaše2013
- Documentary
- Drama
- One Child2013
- Documentary
- Stalin: Man of Steel2003
- Documentary
- History
- Věž smrti2002
- Documentary
- Gulag2006
- Documentary
- History
- Gdzie rosną poziomki?2006
- Documentary
- History
- Mrtvolu sprovoďte ze světa2015
- Documentary
- Sny o tátovi2010
- Documentary
- History
- Co mogą martwi jeńcy2010
- Documentary
- History
- Communism: History of an Illusion
- Documentary
- History
- Nesmíš plakat1990
- Documentary