- Edward Scissorhands1990
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Romance
- Titus1999
- Drama
- History
- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein1994
- Drama
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Romance
- Bloody Mosquito2025
- Thriller
- HorrorVision2001
- Horror
- Howard Lovecraft & the Undersea Kingdom2017
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Horror
- Eating Miss Campbell2022
- Horror
- Comedy
- Suicide Tuesday2024
- Drama
- Pink Hill2019
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- The Valley of the Swan2024
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Spare Change2024
- Drama
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Big Bang2016
- Western
- Romance
- The Crow of Death2022
- Drama
- Thriller
- Horror
- National Vampire2006
- Documentary
- Horror
- We Are Bleach
- Comedy
- Drama
- Music
- nico - strange window1980
- Music
- Documentary
- Geraldine2021
- Drama
- After the Flesh2019
- Horror
- Romance
- The Wind-Up Tape1984
- Music
- Lil Peep - The Brightside Documentary2018
- Documentary