- Perceval1978
- Drama
- Romance
- History
- Boys Will Be Boys2025
- Drama
- Goodnight Moon & Other Sleepytime Tales1999
- Animation
- Family
- Cartoons Ain't Human1943
- Animation
- Comedy
- Cant Cant2024
- Music
- Mystery
- Dolly Baby - Twilight Fugitives2024
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Cosmo2023
- Fantasy
- Animation
- They Came from the Attic2022
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Drama
- The Ringing Bell2020
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Delfathoma2023
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Fantasy
- Dandilicious2021
- Drama
- Crime
- In Hands Reach2017
- Drama
- Omega-Pharm
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Horror
- I can’t get Clean2024
- Drama
- Open files1975
- Documentary
- The Lost Memories of Slumber
- Horror
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Thriller