- Empire of the Ants1977
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Kingdom of the Spiders1977
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Squirm1976
- Horror
- Bullets of Justice2020
- Action
- Horror
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- War
- Chemical Peel2014
- Horror
- Drama
- Remember This Place2024
- Drama
- Thank You For The Preference2024
- Animation
- Thriller
- Horror
- Mystery
- The Howling Wind2020
- Horror
- Thriller
- Kiddo2022
- Horror
- Drama
- Pale Red Dot2024
- Horror
- Mystery
- No Rest for the Wicked2024
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Am Ende das Licht2023
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- La Ofrenda2024
- Horror
- A Weak & Panicked Animal2024
- Horror
- Sweet, Mourning Lamb2024
- Horror
- The Darkling Fox2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- Out of Plastic2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- No Darkness Last Forever2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- Growth2023
- Horror
- Drama
- Romance
- Sputum2022
- Science Fiction