- Follow the Fleet1936
- Comedy
- Romance
- A Tapestry of a Legendary Land2024
- Drama
- History
- Reconstruction2021
- Drama
- Húmus2018
- Music
- Drama
- The Kiss2024
- Bye2013
- Documentary
- Core of a Nature2023
- Music
- Action
- Documentary
- Stillness in the Wave2022
- Documentary
- The Little Marchioness2022
- The Very Eye of Night1958
- Music
- Fantasy
- When the Night Falls2022
- Drama
- War
- Music
- Romance
- Documentary
- Zeta2023
- Comedy
- Surface Waves2015
- Music
- East Coast Aquarela2024
- Music
- Distant Nixa2015
- Atom by Atom1999
- Science Fiction
- Music
- La Timidité des Cimes
- Someday I Will Become a Rock2019
- Keratin2021
- Fantasy
- Music