- Fun in Balloon Land1965
- Fantasy
- Family
- Music
- The Wonderful Land of Oz1969
- Fantasy
- Music
- Family
- DROP! um pequeno registro do 3.º Santo Drop Luizense2024
- Documentary
- Transformations1972
- Horror
- Emaranhado2023
- Comedy
- Drama
- Raiz e Alma2023
- Documentary
- Strangeville2020
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Thriller
- Our Law2020
- Documentary
- The Flaghoisters2023
- Documentary
- Goralská obec Čierne2023
- Documentary
- Return Chute: The Survival of a Small Town Video Store2023
- Documentary
- L'abatis1952
- Documentary
- Hore Hronom jar ide1993
- Documentary
- BELLINGEN: The Promised Land2021
- Documentary
- Traja králi2020
- Documentary
- Madame Fife, l'amour d'un village
- Documentary
- The Kingdom of Fun1989
- Documentary
- Alles Regional2018
- Documentary
- Kultúrne hodnoty a pamiatky na území Národného parku Poloniny a CHKO Vihorlat2017
- Documentary
- Punky Night at Hinton St. George1977
- Documentary