- No Way Out1987
- Thriller
- Drama
- The Serpent1973
- Thriller
- Whoops Apocalypse1986
- Comedy
- Небриллиантовая рука2024
- Comedy
- Music
- Adventure
- Ring of Spies1964
- Drama
- Crime
- Thriller
- Marcus Klingberg, un pur espion2022
- Documentary
- A Compassionate Spy2022
- Documentary
- Рихард Зорге. Подвиг разведчика2019
- Documentary
- War
- History
- Strong with Spirit1967
- Adventure
- War
- Prague au service de Moscou : Dans les secrets de la guerre froide2022
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Farewell, the spy who loved France2019
- Documentary
- Crime
- Рихард Зорге. Резидент, которому не верили2009
- Documentary
- War
- History
- Une taupe de la STASI à la NSA : l'insoupçonnable Sergent Carney2016
- Documentary
- Загадки Рихарда Зорге2005
- Documentary
- War
- History
- TV Movie
- Кто убил Рихарда Зорге?. Рождение мифа2006
- War
- History
- TV Movie
- Documentary
- A Invasão
- Comedy
- Action
- Crime
- Klassi Ghalina: Mission to Moscow
- Comedy
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Different Trains1996
- Documentary
- History