- Black God, White Devil1964
- Adventure
- Western
- Crime
- Drama
- Entranced Earth1967
- Drama
- Barren Lives1963
- Drama
- Antonio das Mortes1969
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- Western
- History
- Macunaima1969
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman1971
- Comedy
- Adventure
- History
- The Guns1964
- Drama
- Cinema Novo2016
- Documentary
- History
- Digest Diversity2023
- Documentary
- Roberto Pires: Êle Fêz O Cinema Baiano Nascer2024
- Documentary
- The Ridiculous2024
- Comedy
- Pedreira de São Diogo1962
- Drama
- Sérgio Ricardo: Uma Outra História do Cinema Novo2024
- Documentary
- Soluços em Português2023
- Drama
- Lamento2022
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- Boi de Prata1981
- Drama
- In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedo2016
- Documentary
- An Indian in War - Life and Work of António-Pedro Vasconcelos2019
- Documentary
- Glauber Rocha em Defesa do Cinema Brasileiro2011
- Documentary
- going away
- Documentary