- Place publique2018
- Comedy
- Drama
- A Hologram for the King2016
- Comedy
- Drama
- Sweat2021
- Drama
- Thriller
- #nofilter2021
- Horror
- Sam Did It2018
- Comedy
- #NoFilter2013
- Drama
- Horror
- (N)os miran2022
- Mystery
- Horror
- Nejsledovanější2017
- Documentary
- Plague2017
- Documentary
- The Perfect Selfie2017
- Documentary
- Pau de Selfie2015
- Documentary
- Fantasy
- #MurderSelfie2015
- Comedy
- Horror
- #BolexSelfies2015
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Namas Dei: The Tucker J. James Story
- Comedy
- #monalisa2020
- Documentary
- WhateverTree2020
- Animation
- Hellfie2020
- Horror
- Boys Night2018
- Comedy
- Horror
- Thriller
- Happy Selfie Time2015
- Documentary
- Damned Selfie2014
- Horror
- Comedy