- Flight 75002014
- Thriller
- Horror
- Mystery
- Kon-Tiki1950
- Documentary
- Dead in the Water2018
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues1955
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Gone Missing2013
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Becoming Cousteau2021
- Documentary
- Moana2016
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Family
- Animation
- Alone Across the Pacific1963
- Adventure
- She's In Portland2020
- Drama
- Ocean Souls2021
- Documentary
- Voyages au centre de la Terre : Dans les pas de Jules Verne2023
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Journey to the South Pacific2013
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Pearl Harbor, le monde s'embrase2021
- Documentary
- History
- War
- Der wilde Pazifik - Die Schönheit des Lebens2016
- Documentary
- Forbidden Island1959
- Adventure
- Crime
- Drama
- Puerto escondido2020
- Documentary
- The Sea Hornet1951
- Mystery
- Adventure
- Crime
- Los conquistadores del Pacífico1963
- History
- Adventure
- Pacific2024
- Drama
- Hurricane1929
- Adventure
- Drama