- Downhill2020
- Drama
- Comedy
- Aiming High2024
- Documentary
- Brandon Semenuk's Rad Company2014
- Action
- Adventure
- Follow Me2010
- Documentary
- Arrival2013
- Adventure
- Documentary
- Couch Man2023
- Documentary
- Action
- Return to Earth2019
- Documentary
- One Wild Ride1925
- Comedy
- unReal2015
- Documentary
- Lemonade + Ducktape Stuffs2015
- Documentary
- The Athertons: Mountain Biking's Fastest Family2021
- Documentary
- The Sword of the Lord1976
- Documentary
- Downhill Urbano2020
- Action
- Adventure
- From the Inside Out2011
- Documentary
- Kilimanjaro: Mountain of Greatness2018
- Documentary
- Action
- Stars & Bars
- Documentary
- All or Nothing 22014