- Feral2018
- Thriller
- Action
- Drama
- Horror
- 127 Hours2010
- Adventure
- Drama
- Thriller
- An American Werewolf in London1981
- Comedy
- Horror
- Quarries2016
- Horror
- Thriller
- Everything Beautiful Is Far Away2017
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Trapped1982
- Crime
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Horror
- Action
- Still2018
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- Beacon Point2016
- Thriller
- White Wolves - A Cry in the Wild II1993
- Action
- Family
- Adventure
- Prey for the Beast2007
- Horror
- First2018
- Horror
- Spectres2012
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Boom and Bloom2022
- Drama
- Gorging2013
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Sohn ohne Heimat1955
- Drama
- Zoom In2024
- Horror
- Mystery
- Wandering in the White2019
- Documentary
- The Hike2018
- Comedy
- I'll Push You2017
- Documentary
- Ile Alatau2021
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery