- Alien from L.A.1988
- Family
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Concerning Violence2014
- Documentary
- Jit1990
- Romance
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Ariel Phenomenon2022
- Documentary
- The Death Knell1964
- Documentary
- House of Children2020
- Documentary
- Disparitions autour du Kanga Pan2019
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Uncharted Lines2017
- Adventure
- Documentary
- Black President2015
- Documentary
- Africa is a Woman's Name2009
- Documentary
- The Riddle of Rhodesia
- Documentary
- The Midday Sun1990
- Drama
- Shaina2020
- Drama
- Machanic Manyeruke: The Life of Zimbabwe's Gospel Music Legend2020
- Documentary
- Kare Kare Zvako: Mother's Day2005
- Drama
- Music
- Horror
- Because I am2016
- Documentary